Thursday, February 9, 2012

Marci's 2nd half of the January blocks

It took me awhile, but I finally finished blocks 7 -11. 

I think they turned out OK.  My fan looks pretty good, although the 2 outermost blades are bigger than the rest.  I think that's because none of my patterns are printing out big enough -- all of my 1" lines are closer to 7/8".  I've got to figure out how to print them differently.  I didn't paper piece the one block that was supposed to be for that very reason.  I winged it on the house block, too, and it came out pretty good -- just the triangle part of the roof is a little small, and the block is a little shy of 9-1/2", but I should be able to make it up in the seam allowance.

Whew!  Now that those are out of the way it's time to tackle the next set (good thing there's only 2 blocks, since next week is the 15th already!)  I'm still debating whether or not I'm going to paper-piece these.  I may do the flying geese square using the Eleanor Burns method from the Underground Railroad book, since I have the ruler . . . I just have to make sure that they turn out the right size.

Your squares look good, Dee . . . it doesn't look like you had much trouble!

p.s. Kris called and my quilt is done . . . picking it up tomorrow!  She said it turned out really good!  I think we're going to Mom's on Sunday -- I'll bring it with me!

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